
She's Tongue-Tied In Her Head & He's About To Pop The Question

DEAR CAT: You have a way of getting to the point and my problem is: I can’t do that. I battle with myself on how to answer stupid questions and I second guess everything…

DEAR CAT: I’m planning on proposing to my girlfriend and I have to decide how to do it. I was thinking about surprising her at work…

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011
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Host Says Guests Are Lucky To Be Invited & When A Bad Influence Walks Through The Door

DEAR CAT: I’m having a dinner party and I feel a host should not have to accommodate special menu requests. What is your call on this?

DEAR CAT: There is a ‘bad influence’ child who lives behind our house and our daughter is picking up her bad habits. Any advice?

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Tuesday, September 06, 2011
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Kid Should Play With Toys, Not Tools & Running In Place With Her Sister

DEAR CAT: My husband and I don’t like when people work in our home and bring their children along. One worker has started doing this and we would hate to lose him, but I’m not comfortable with this situation.

DEAR CAT: I want to buy a treadmill but my sister says I should join a gym. I am very insecure at gyms but she says if I’m not comfortable the way I am, I never will be. Do you agree?

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
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Married Is Married & Thinking About Dipping? Chew On This Story

DEAR CAT: I am a gay woman in a committed relationship and we call each other ‘wife’ even though we are not legally married. Recently someone said, “she’s not your wife, she’s your girlfriend.” What’s your call on this?

DEAR CAT: I started chewing tobacco in my teens and it’s a terrible habit I am trying to desperately break. If this letter prevents any young boys or men from experimenting, then it’s worth it…

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
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He Likes Reruns, Especially At His Own Weddings & Political Divide May Divide Them

DEAR CAT: My fiancé suggested we get married at the same place where he married his first wife. I think it would be completely inappropriate. Am I being overly sensitive?

DEAR CAT: I’m dating a beautiful young lady who could be “the one” but I am liberal and she is extremely conservative…

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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
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