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Dear Cat:
My vote is that love at first sight exists and that it can work. The only hard part is not making it sound like a cliché. I met someone recently and we both feel that it was love at first sight. Last night she told me that when she came to meet me for the first time (after a lengthy period of correspondence and phone calls), she felt she just needed to get the thought that there might be something there out of her system. Her first reaction on seeing me, though, was “uh oh, this isn’t going to be easy.” When I saw her coming out of the security zone, I thought I was dreaming. I don’t want to sound too sentimental, but I’m hoping that love at first sight can come true.

Hi Cat,
I have read your column in the PG many times, which made me curious enough to see how you got your start. I am curious as to how you got into writing advice columns considering your background / education in politics. By the way, the man who wrote about what to do with his adulterous wife, he should toss her out with this week’s trash.

Hi Cat:
I find myself always in the same situation as Always a Groomsman. Give him my name & number!!! (wink) As always, keep up the good work. I so enjoy your column.

Glad you enjoy the column. I’d be happy to play matchmaker! —Cat

In response to On the Market: As a 22 year old single girl with the exact same problem—don’t forget about us girls who work IN the bookstore! We probably have similar interests and were hired because we like talking about books and our various other hobbies with nice strangers. Strike up a conversation with the register operator, bookseller, trainer at the gym, or the girl who makes your white maple latte on a regular basis. We’re also normal twenty-something’s working and going about our business and not into the bar scene. Just because we’re at work doesn’t mean we don’t want to connect with a potential love interest. Us nice girls can be pretty introverted until someone strikes up a conversation about something we’re interested in.
—Bachelorette Bookgirl

I’d hate to get your mail. Lemme’ see how close I get on this one:
30-percent of it is from men asking if you’re single.
25-percent are legit questions
25- percent are legit questions that anyone with an IQ of 15 could solve. “Dear Cat, I came home and found my boyfriend in bed with two other women and there was another one pulling up in the driveway. What should I do?’
10-percent is spam for a pill that will give you bigger breasts
9.999-percent is spam for a pill that will give you a bigger penis.
0.001-percent are the e-mails I’ve sent.

Never in a million years did I think this would happen. I just got “THE” telephone call (at work) from you know who. He read your column and wants to come get his junk. WOO HOO! Thank you.

Cat’s Call has been a guilty pleasure of mine for about two years. I really enjoy your fresh approach to communication. With respect to A ‘Stern’ Warning, All Right, I really must applaud you for such a no-nonsense approach to Howard. And to answer your question, there is absolutely NOTHING so “terribly egregious” about the King of All Media and his show. Most people who criticize and berate Howard and his show hear about the man rather than listen to him. Any person who knows anything about radio understands that Howard Stern is the consummate professional, even if that profession doesn’t suit someone’s particular interest. I’ve been a Stern listener for almost ten years, a fact I wear like a badge of honor for anyone who cares to see it. My opinion has always been that Howard tells the truth and most people don’t like to hear the truth. I find in my every day life that people often cringe at the slightest morsel of honesty. At the risk of blathering on and on, I’ll end by saying that I really enjoy reading you. As a writer myself, I appreciate the effort and energy you put into the words you choose. Keep up the great work.

Dear Reader,
Thank you, it’s great to be appreciated. But what’s this nonsense about my column being a guilty pleasure?? Don’t feel guilty, just enjoy the pleasure.—Cat

Re: Anger Management
Sounds like the recently promoted complainer has issues of her own as indicated by “How do I make it clear that I am a ‘superior’ now and that she must cooperate with me for the betterment of our store?” Supervisor, yes, manager, yes, superior? I don’t think so. How about “we must cooperate” instead of “she must cooperate with me.” Sounds like a power trip in part.

Today is 10-23-07. I look forward to your column each week and the answers today were classic. You are right on the money with the answers and the name for the dog was so funny—as you implied, “Everyone should have such a problem.” I often wonder, “why can’t folks who write these questions see the obvious answers?” I’ve come to believe that they just need the reassurance. Keep up the great work!

Whats with the beret?Are you in the Army or maybe your French Hiding that bald spot?Cmon spill the beans!