Latest Unprinted

What the hell is this?? I’m seeing your website for the first time and I feel like one of those people who just noticed the sky is blue. How long has this been here? I’m a dyed in the wool Cat Fan and I’m insulted you didn’t tell me about your website. Granted you have no idea who I am or that I even exist but I need some power here so that’s my stance. Agree with your calls today although I’m not 100% sure that guy wouldn’t be making a mistake by keeping the contractor that his wife hooked up with. Maybe if you post MY comments on your not printed list I won’t feel so insulted : )
Always happy when it’s tuesday,
Mike (Chicago)

Hey Cat!
Heard you on the radio (4-27-07) and you were great. Love to hear your laugh! I couldn’t call in with a question..and boy did you need a decent one! Midgets?!? THIS is what is on the minds of men? I guess those that listen to the MAN station at least.

Hi, Cat:
Re: your column from May 1, I was somewhat surprised by your response to “Just a Person.” In particular, you suggested that she should dump her boyfriend, and the Brit should leave his wife… Isn’t it ‘conventional’ wisdom that if a man is willing to leave his wife for another woman, then he would be willing to leave that woman for yet another woman? Have you ever dated a married person? I have done it, and I know others who have, too. Ultimately, it is an incredible waste of time in almost all cases.
—Don’t Do It!

Dear Don’t:
You might want to read my response to “Just A Person” again. There is a saying offered to people who ‘steal’ someone away from their spouse: remember how you got them, because that’s how you’re going to lose them. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I have to pretty much agree with you about the financial expert thing, but I have to provide a proviso. When using any sort of expert, make sure you keep an eye over their shoulder, and make sure that you know where your money is sitting. The tabloids are full of stars that have been bankrupted by their “business managers”.

Cat, Cat, Cat. I’m likin’ that. You are not fat but you are phat and all that. Oh yeah dirty things that make you go splat. Oh yeah you in your little hat. I’m all about that with the little Cat in her hat.

Dear Reader,
Mail like yours is how other readers satisfy their curiosity about the creepy email I get. Thanks!

“the assault of nun plasticity”
the aroma of warm buttered biscuits and olive-oiled chicken breasts fill my personal space like an invisible layer of evening after-shave, while his short nimble fingers from the business end of his jabbing elbows start striking and grabbing at my plastic lady in black… and playing with her all-too-familiar thimbled buttocks… she is the jack kerouac of the choir, made of fine italian porcelain, and carried in small burlap sacks and cotton pockets and leather satchels. never once complaining of the religious innuendos from the drunk cook, only to digest his insulting mockery… and to puke up a rainbow!
-k.p., 2007, pittsburgh, south side

Dear Reader/Poet,
Uh… ok. Thanks for sharing. -Cat

Hi Cat,
I’m not sure who to direct this to and I have your email address so that’s why you are the honored recipient of this gripe. Please forward this to whoever else should be so honored. On the subject of the Don Imus comment he made about the Rutgers female basketball players in which he called them “nappy-headed hos”. Yes, he was a bit out of line and he should have known the weight of the black world would come down on him but I just can’t understand why some representatives of the world’s oldest profession don’t come down on Imus for calling the women “hos”. That’s just plain disrespectful.

Dear Cat,
I read your response to the Dissed Dad about the woman who won’t date him because he has kids, and I have to say, I pretty much agree with you. As someone who is currently a step-parent, I’d be less likely to date someone with kids again, myself. Here’s why… when someone has kids, you don’t just date that person, but you have to date their kid, too. If the other parent doesn’t like you (even if they’ve never met you) the kids won’t like you, either. There’s always the “you’re not my parent, I don’t have to listen to you” line that EVERY child makes to the boyfriend/girlfriend. It’s unavoidable. The kids didn’t pick you and don’t have to like you. And the really hard part?? Let’s say that everything goes well, you like the kids, the kids like you, everyone is happy. One day, down the road, the relationship ends. You don’t just lose the boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife, what ever, you lose those kids, too. And that’s painful for everyone involved. If this woman won’t date him because he has kids, I say at least she’s being honest and upfront and not leading him on to let him down later. So, I really think she’s being more than fair by telling him the truth.
Thanks, Lisa J.

Hey Cat,
Just looking through some of the old emails on your site. I came across the birthday article with your wishes. Very well thought out list, but it left me with a question. You mentioned that you hoped that the election would be a harbinger of change. Just wondering how you think the last four months have gone. Personally I am really getting annoyed with Bush and his arrogance, and how badly we have botched the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. So can we get an update on whether or not our favorite Cat would like to claw anyone.

Dear Reader,
No updates yet – but I keep the scratching post handy.

Hi Cat –
Don’t mean to be critical, but the last question in your column today and your response in “de-friending” is one of the huge differences between men and women. When I read the question, I pictured every women I ever knew and how they react to lack of attention from friends. My example I use when describing this is the general opinion from girls: ‘I don’t know why she isn’t calling me! She must be mad. Screw her”. Guys go weeks and months sometimes without contact with friends. But when we do talk, it’s as if we talked yesterday. The thing is, as we all get older we all get busy in our day to day. We sometimes socialize less, work more, find new activities, etc. Doesn’t mean we love our friends any less, just have less time in our lives to share. No reason at all to “de-friend”. Just found it interesting because I always use this example as a major difference between girls and guys. Thanks for your column. From a guy’s perspective, I always find it interesting.