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Love that beret, ever think of selling it?—A Distant Admirer

Dear Admirer: Thanks, though it’s not a beret. Never crossed my mind to sell it, but now that you bring it up…

This is in regards to the question about the 41 year old woman dating a younger man. Your advice was okay, but my question is: what is someone her age doing with such a young guy? ”...wait until a relationship develops”...who is she kidding? There is nowhere for this to go. I don’t care how young she ‘thinks’ she looks. I imagine she is no Demi.

Dear Cat,
Re: the letter signed Chemist. I think your advice was right on; it was hip and thoughtful. You advised your reader to wait a bit before jumping in the sack, and gave your reasons behind it. And you weren’t unrealistic to suggest waiting until marriage. Keep up the good work!

Dear Reader: I didn’t suggest she wait until marriage. I pointed out that waiting at least a few dates gives them a better chance to see if they’d ultimately like each other (i.e. less chance for regret). Cat Note: I also said if she just wants to have a good time, that’s her call.

Dear Cat,
Your advice to Nobody’s Fool was good, sensible, and probably 100% right. But I think you missed something when they said they get patronized “fairly often” and you didn’t say “why would that be?” I think a lot of people expect others to kiss their asses and instead when they get talked to straight, they’re offended. Like if the mechanic takes a minute to explain what’s wrong with the transmission, it may be technical talk that sounds condescending but it’s probably that person’s over-sensitivity and not a real insult. It’s not socially correct to say it, but sometimes people have to accept the fact that even though they’re the customer, sometimes they’re too stupid to know they’re getting useful information rather than an insult.

Not matter how she spins it, that 41yr old woman obviously made a point of avoiding the subject of age or she wouldn’t be worried about the guy finding out. She should save herself a lot of time and heartache to come by fessing up. Why do women play so many *^&#$% games??!!!!

I say “whatever” to any woman who plays that game where they don’t commit to a date, or they cancel at the last minute, or better yet like in your column they pull the shy routine and expect you to handle them with kid gloves. Screw that. It’s a routine, guys, that’s all. Don’t fall for it.

That lady has every right to be po’d by some guy who thinks it’s no big deal to retain his ex-wife as his primary physician. He’s trying to spin it like it’s meaningless but you hit it where it needed to be hit. There are times when his next girlfriend/wife will accompany him to the doctor’s office and oh, won’t THAT be comfortable for everyone in the room.
From, Divorced Doc

After reading your birthday wish list, I have just one question. Will you marry me? ;)

Dear XXXX,
After reading your email, I have just one question. Where’s the ring?

Dear Cat,
Grrrreat, the holiday season is coming back around with all the promise of being reminded every second that you’re still single. I read your column every week but I’ve also read your articles so I know you can relate to the single person’s dilemma. Thanks for reminding us that it’s ok to be single (even though some family members make it out like it’s a crime) and it’s even more ok to have a good outlook about it.

Cat—Hey girl it’s your big fan Kenny from SoCal. This marks my 2nd twice-a-year email so lap it up ‘cause you’re not getting another one til ‘07. Happy Birthday, ya dig?