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Dear Cat,
Please please please tell me there are other ways for singles to meet than thru online dating sites. You must know the answer. I’m an extremely attractive woman with a great body who is exhausted from trying these sites that people seem to use just for dates, not relationships. Bars are boring, married people aren’t helpful with setting you up, and coworkers get too nosy. What else is there???
Sincerely, A Great Catch

Heard you on KDKA radio. That “moral absolutes” religious guy was outta his mind. Guess he got his answer since the election, ha ha!! Good thing the host nixed him or I might have turned it off to focus on the Steelers game and throw things at my $2500 tv I bought just to watch Steelers games. Forget about it, I threw things anyway. But not at my radio. Stay cool girl.

Dear Cat,
I am fed up to here (hold hand to browline) with people on internet dating sites who don’t post their picture, then they call you superficial or rude for not responding to them because of it!!! Am I missing something? Isn’t it completely normal to SEE a person before dating them? I’m all for going below the surface, but gimme a break.
Signed, Post It Or Lose It (Me)

Just read your column today about the Rush Limbaugh costume and I gotta throw in my 2 cents. Whether you (not you specifically but anyone) like Rush or not, he’s gone waaaay overboard this time with the Michael J. Fox attack. It’s not even about politics or left or right, it’s about common decency. I hope there’s no way he rebounds from this one. His fans (shocking he has any) should string him up and hang him out to dry. Thanks for letting me rant.

Dear Cat,
I’m trying to understand the appeal of threesomes. Believe me, I’m no prude, but I just don’t get why happy couples want to go outside the relationship for ‘fun’? And the idea to do it always seems to come from just one partner, it’s never mutual. Your call?

Re: 10-17-06 column
Hey Cat,
I completely agree with you and your response about Howard Stern. I was a fan until he switched over, but not big enough of a fan to pay $14 per month. My question is along those same lines of free speech but it concerns the woman who writes kiddie porn on her website for subscribers… Does the government have a right to shut her down & arrest her? I don’t think so, but it still disgusts me none the less. Your thoughts?

Hi Cat,
I just want to make a parallel comparision and what better way to make a comparison than a parallel one, regarding your reader and the comments you made about the freedom of speech. Is there such a thing as “freedom of fashion”? It seems as though men have very little freedom of fashion so just what is wrong with borrowing from the gender that has all the fashion freedom it can muster. Women! That last word was for those who didn’t want to do the math. As a man I have a rant. Several years ago on a beautiful summery day I decided to put on a pair of navy blue sling back peep toe high heels and go out. I was soon approached by a police car, made to get in the car like a criminal, taken to the station, photographed, then dismissed. Is wearing what we want a crime. Evidently not because I was let go. One other time I was stopped by the police for wearing another pair of heels out doors. Shouldn’t there be a freedom of fashion also. Actually, the second time I mentioned I really should have been arrested. It was after Labor Day and the shoes were white. What’s a fella to do?
Peeptoe Princess

Re: 10-17-06 column
Personally, I cannot stand Howard Stern. I don’t see any humor in what he does, no entertainment value what-so-ever. It is an opinion, and I don’t think less of anyone who does enjoy Howard. To each his own. That being said, my husband and I are Sirius subscribers. He listens to Howard when I am not along in the car. That is fine with me. He knows I dislike Howard, and will not make me listen. Sirius has a hundred channels, music, talk, you name it. That guy should find something else to listen to when his girlfriend is around and stop defending Howard to her. I think the respect issue is not that this guy disrespects women, but he doesn’t respect that his girl doesn’t like Stern. What if it was a genre of music, like Jazz or Heavy Metal in question that she did not like? Would he force her to listen that style of music when she was with him or defend it to keep the argument going? Doubtful.
As for the girlfriend, does she think television programs with sexual content, “gentlemen’s” magazines and the like are offensive? I think perhaps she has issues with her own confidence as a woman, and should stop projecting her inner anger onto her boyfriend. They both have some maturing to do.

Re: 80s Fashion
Hi Cat,
I have a fashion question and I hope you can clue me in a little. What’s up with hosiery? The 80’s fashion 20 yr comeback is bringing back the leg warmers and footless tights and even some textured hosiery, but I’m talking about the normal everyday work/play world of dress. There is no woman under 35 who wears, or probably owns, a pair of pantyhose or stockings. I can even go along with open toed shoes and a fresh pedicure with no stockings if she is wearing pants. But young women, whether they are out on the town in elegant dining apparel, or at work, DO NOT WEAR STOCKINGS. It seems like the stockings industry is taking a hit. If it wasn’t for the cross-dressers, of which I am not one, but I do consider myself “fashionably emancipated”, the hosiery industry would go under. Closed toed heels with a dress needs the elegance of good quality stockings. I think this says something significant about our “I’m in a hurry, gotta go, gotta run” culture that we are living in. No stockings, mule shoes, and tops with built in bras, gives one the impression that women equate getting dressed with being in the pits at the Indy 500.


Thanks for responding to my email. Being of the over-35 generation, I’ve seen such a change in fashion it just made me think a little about how we as people evaluate our lives and surroundings, and it comes out in the height of our heels. I really appreciate your comments, thanks. As a wise man once said “the male population will begin to understand females better when the men start wearing stilettos.”

Re: You bring me joy, joy, joy,…
Dear Cat, I am a 25-year-old Soldier / journalist in the U.S. Army. Born and raised in Pittsburgh, I am about to go on my second year-long deployment to Iraq. It is my dream to get out of the Army (only 30 months to go!), and write full-time for a newspaper. Until that happens, I spend my days reading your column, and let me tell you, I love it! I hope you keep up the awesome reads because I look forward to what you have to say, but if you do ever happen to be replaced, say, in like 2 1/2 more years, I’ll be glad to take over. Better yet, maybe we could work as a team :-)