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Dear Cat, As usual your comments in today’s column are right on target, I really enjoy your column. Gilligan’s island fantasy, WOW, are there really people out there living in a fantasy world. Maybe it’s not to late for me to find “I dream of Jeanie”. I am off to the beach for my search to find the bottle. (Wait a minute, isn’t Barbara Eden about 70 years old now) Oh well I might as well just go to work instead.

Re: Smiling On Command
Dear Cat,
I have a nice smile, but I only share it when I want to, which is actually most of the time. But I too, have been confronted by men who feel that I must smile for them. I could be riding a bus, thinking about work, or reading a serious article. But still, I’m supposed to smile on command because some guy thinks I should. I’m all for friendliness, but walking up to me and ordering me to smile is not the best way to become my friend. My theory has always been that some men just aren’t comfortable unless a woman has a silly grin on her face. That way, they don’t have to take her seriously, I guess. I’ll bet those guys never ask other men to smile.


Dear Cat,
Maybe it’s just a reminder to try to cheer you up. When someone says to me to “Smile”, it helps me realize that maybe things are not so bad. Yes. It could be a come-on line too (if you are in a bar) but at least it allows some more possibility of an interesting conversation after a simple Hi. It’s not like the person is putting their fingers on your face and actually forcing you to smile. Sometimes people need to lighten up, not be so serious and smile. It’s good exercise for your facial muscles too.
Signed, Not Grumpy